May GreenDay be with You
0 個意見
此隊組合名為The Network,成員包括
下排右一: Fink
下排中間: Captain Underpants
下排左一: The Snoo
中排右一: Van Gough
中排中間: Balducci
上排左一: Z
1) Fink
He might be considered the leader, being as he finances the group using money he made on a "TOP SECRET" nuclear invention he created shortly before dropping out of M.I.T. He's an Aquarius.
記得有哪一個人是水秤座(Aquarius)嗎? 沒錯,二月十七日出世的Billie Joe就是。
(he finances the group using money he made on a "TOP SECRET" nuclear invention)
是否在說著Billie Joe名下的公司Adeline Records?
而Fink在The Network中是負責唱歌和結他的部份,正如Billie Joe在Green Day的角色
其次,Billie Joe在組合Pinhead Gunpowde中,曾以假名Wilhelm Fink寫了幾首歌,所以Billie Joe早已用Fink這個名字代表自己。
2) Van Gough
A macrobiotic/vegan, from Belgium, Van Gough was forced to work entrail duty at his uncle's slaughterhouse in Fresno from the age of 10 until 18 where he moved to Tibet to conquer Mount Everest. After 12 attempts and suffering frostbite on over 80 percent of his body and losing his nose he returned to his favorite city, Oakland where he raises animals for experimental laboratory purposes.
Van Gough是純素食者(vegan),剛巧Green Day的Mike Dirnt也是
同樣地Van Gough和Mike Dirnt在隊中也是負責和音和彈奏低音結他
3) The Snoo
Formally a Mexican Wrestler from Argentina, The Snoo grew up poor on the busted streets of Buenos Aires and refuses to let the success of THE NETWORK affect him or his wardrobe IN ANY WAY. Jailed twice in Texas for messing with Texas, he does not claim to be reformed. Likes to eat hot peppers.
雖然The Snoo的個人資料並沒有告訴我們甚麼(或是我看不到^^"),但The Snoo也是在隊中負責打鼓,而且你不覺得他的樣子很像Tre Cool嗎?
4) Balducci
我從資料中找不到甚麼東西,但他的樣子和間中參與Green Day的表演和歌曲的Jason White是十分相似的。
The Network和Green Day是同公司的,他們首張在二零零三年推出的專輯《Money Money 2020》就是由Adeline Records所出的,這未免太巧合了。
而Adeline Records方面也沒有承認或否認The Network是否Green Day的「傑作」。
雖然The Network的身份直至現在仍未得以確實,但本人深信他們其實就是Green Day! 縱使Green Day做這些事的動機依然不明.....
最後附上The Network的官網
以上部份內容來自網站 GREEN DAY AUTHORITY 和 此文章